Wordless Book Demonstration Video
The Wordless Book provides a simple way to share the Gospel message. It is the core message CEF missionaries have shared with over 260 million boys and girls around the globe for over 80 years. Even children are using The Wordless Book to share this message with their friends and family.
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This Christmas, CEF is reaching 10 million children face-to-face with the greatest gift — the Gospel message
‘All over the world, Christmas grabs the attention of children and parents in a way that few other topics do, so they’re eager to attend a Christmas Party Club,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
The Parables of Jesus: The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11 may sound familiar to the children in your Sunday school class since it is a common passage of Scripture. This doesn’t make it any less important. In fact, it is so common because of how important it is. In these few verses, Jesus tells us how to talk to God the Father! The final parable in our series follows Jesus’ model for prayer. Before the kids in your Sunday school can understand the parable, they should learn how to talk to the Father.
Impact Magazine Winter 2023
Have you considered the wonders of God? Maybe you
think about the wonders of Christmas this time of year.
What excites me most is the wonder of God’s work to bring lost sinners into a relationship with Himself.
3 Advent Countdown Ideas for the Family | CEF
Christmas is almost here! Help kids celebrate the birth of Jesus with these 3 advent countdown ideas that highlight the real advent meaning.
Child Evangelism Fellowship shares the love of Jesus with migrant families in Mexico
‘It breaks your heart to see so many children in distress, but it’s uplifting to reach them with the best news of their lives — the saving grace of Jesus Christ,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
4 Reasons to Attend Sunday School as Kids | CEF
Going to church as a family is vital. But so is Sunday School for kids! Here’s 4 reasons to attend Sunday School and why Sunday School is important for families.