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CEF USA Ministries Enters New Season

Seasons come and go—seasons of weather, seasons of life, and seasons of ministry. Watching God work is, in many ways, like watching the seasons change over time. He uses many different people and many different strategies to accomplish His purposes in different times.

Want to know more about Good News Clubs?

For most of a century, Child Evangelism Fellowship has shared the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ with children and adults around the world. One of our primary methods is through Good News Clubs, during which children having parental or custodial permission receive biblical instruction in voluntary classes.

Principals Speak Out about Good News Club

Child Evangelism Fellowship® conducted a voluntary survey among principals of public elementary schools that host a Good News Club® (GNC™) after the last bell rings. Two hundred and twenty-four principals from around the country (28 states represented) took the survey. Principals all across the US stated that Good News Clubs have proven to be a possitive experience in their schools.

Eastern Zambia Opened for Children’s Ministry

The Lord has opened doors to ministry in the Eastern Province of Zambia. For three years in a row, CEF Zambia has been able to do ministry in Katete, 842km from Luanshya, the headquarters.

Working Together Opens Doors

An exciting collaboration is opening doors in apartment communities across the United States! Child Evangelism Fellowship® and Global Ministries Foundation (GMF) are working together to reach America’s children with the Gospel.

Hope Against Circumstances

These children need to know that God is always in charge no matter what circumstances arise and that there is hope.

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