Today's Hot Scripture
Be encouraged and enriched through God's Word
The Parent Factor in Ministry
In years past our one or two hours per week with preteens seemed enough to launch them into a life of spiritual growth. Little did we know that the majority of the work was being done at home by parents who were living out the faith that we were talking about.
IMPACT Spring 2018 Edition
This edition of the IMPACT magazine includes stories of CEF work in Armenia, Belize, Kenya, Russia, and many more.
High Calling: The Right People (March 2018)
Just like having a right heart is critical for a joyful Christian life, having the right people leading is critical for a joyful Christian ministry. You may have good people, but do you have the right people? The right people will naturally build the right culture.

Take a Refreshing Break
As I walked into the first-grade classroom on Sunday morning I saw every learner actively involved in a creative, lesson-related activity. Transitions from one activity to the next were easy and natural. The room layout contributed to the teaching methods being used. Storage of equipment and supplies was well organized. How I wished it was my own first-grade room at the other end of the hall. Where did the teachers get those great ideas?

What is the Unforgivable Sin?
The Bible talks about only one sin that cannot be forgiven and that is “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 12:31 and Mark 3:28-30) Once, when Jesus did miracles to show God’s great power, some religious leaders accused Jesus of having an evil spirit- they said He was using the power of Satan to do miracles.

Listen and Love
Preteens are emotional by nature for a variety of reasons including hormonal changes, fatigue, peer group expectations and self-imposed demands. At a stage in life when parents and friends may not know how to deal with their mood swings, we need to of¬fer a safe harbor where these kids can be real.

On Course Together
The Holy Spirit has given us help in the form of other believers. When I correspond with other believers I often greet them with the hope that the day finds them consciously walking in the presence of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Is it Right to Listen to Music on the Radio?
Yes and no. There is a lot of music that does not honor God. You should be very wise in choosing songs you let into your mind and heart (Rom. 12:2).

Is the World About to End?
There’s been lots of bad news lately—a tsunami, hurricanes, bombings, wars and other scary events. Some say these disasters are signs the world is ending soon. This world will end one day. But other things must happen first. The Bible helps us understand God’s plan so we won’t be afraid.

Positive Actions
The children were cheering as the review game ended. Quickly Lisa held up her hand and said, “Show me you’re being quiet by raising your hand!” One by one, hands went up as the group quieted. Early elementary children learn through varied activities.
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