Today's Hot Scripture
Be encouraged and enriched through God's Word
Communication Skills
Your Communications skills contribute greatly to warm, accepting environment needed to effectively relate God’s Word to your students. Classroom communication is both nonverbal and verbal.

Comforting children with scripture
One of our primary aims as Christian educators is to get our learners in the habit of going to God’s Word for daily living and for help when trouble comes. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to quote just the right verse for an occasion. But it’s even better if you can point a child to the place in his own Bible where he can read God’s promise for himself. Here are some tips for making it happen.

Why can’t I hear God speaking to me?
Sometimes people are disappointed that they don’t hear God speak in a booming voice, or in a mysterious dream or through miracles. But God speaks to us today through His Word, the Bible (John 1:1, Heb. 1:1-2).

How Generous Are You?
Years ago we learned a lesson we’ve never forgotten. We were new recruits on a staff to train teens for summer ministry. The training week schedule offered only a few slivers of free time. We savored the mini-breaks—time for a quiet walk or a quick nap.

My Mom Wants to Know Where the Sinner’s Prayer is in the Bible
I believe your mother is referring to the prayer that is prayed when someone wants to receive Jesus as their Savior. It is not a prayer written in the Bible but it is based on Bible verses. It might sound something like this:

Helping Children be Truthful
Lying, as with most human behavior, serves a purpose. Observing circumstances in which children lie gives insights into those purposes.

The New Kid
One of my childhood goals was to win an award for perfect Sunday school attendance. To earn it I had to attend out-of-town churches on the weekends our family traveled. One Sunday morning I walked three blocks to the nearest church and presented myself at the door.

Talking to Children about War
Many children have one or both parents in the military. These children may not know that more than 2,300 U.S. military have died, but they know fear and loneliness. Children want to trust God but war is confusing. Assure your students that it’s okay to ask questions about the pictures on TV. Encourage them to talk about their feelings and you’ll hear questions like these. . .
HIGH CALLING: He Thinks I’m God (May 2018)
A young woman brought her fiancé home to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother told the girl’s father to find out about the young man. The father invited the fiancé to his office for a talk.
“So, what are your plans?” the father asked the young man.

Can Kids Manage God’s Stuff?
“Why do I have to give some of my money to God? He already has everything. I earned it and it’s mine.” Oh, is that so? Every Christian is a servant of God. Because we’re His servants, we are also His stewards. A steward is responsible for taking care of and managing what belongs to someone else.
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