Today's Hot Scripture
Be encouraged and enriched through God's Word
Conversations with Children
Young children tend to monopolize conversations with adults. Ask a kindergartner about a movie he’s seen and he’ll recite the entire screenplay before coming up for air.
IMPACT Summer 2018 Annual Report Edition
This edition of the IMPACT magazine shares the annual report for 2017. Come and see what the Lord has done through the ministry of CEF.

Beyond the Primary Purpose
The main purpose of children’s ministry is to help children become members of God’s family. Is evangelizing your primary goal?

Think Like a Teacher!
Do you ever feel like your students are just enduring the Bible lesson? When planning lessons or communicating in the classroom, effective teachers repeatedly ask themselves some evaluative questions.

Tearing Down Walls that Threaten Community for Children
As a former school teacher and counselor I have witnessed countless disputes in the classroom, on the playground and in my students’ homes. I have also seen the effectiveness of God’s peacemaking principles in each setting.

You’ve Got What it Takes
“I could never teach like they do!” If you think that old excuse eliminates you from serving in children’s ministry, think again!

Teach Kids about the Holy Spirit
Children learn little about the Holy Spirit from today’s curriculum, yet His work is important in their spiritual growth. Teaching about Him in small bites will make these truths easier to digest!

Is He Sure He’s Saved?
In one of our children’s classes we mentioned that some people doubt God’s Word. “Not me,” Danny said. “I don’t doubt.” He hasn’t! Greg belongs to the same group, hears the same lessons, asked Christ to save him a year before Danny, but still responds to nearly every salvation invitation.

If I haven’t witnessed will I still be able to go to Heaven?
Salvation is the gift of God, by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9). “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not works, so that no one can boast.” There is no mention of witnessing here! A gift is a gift. You do no work for a gift.
HIGH CALLING: The Good Shepherd (June 2018)
Do you need to be reminded of how much God loves and cares for you? Do you need encouragement that you are not alone? Have you experienced lately the loving arms of your Heavenly Father’s embracing you?
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