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Today's Hot Scripture

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Teaching Kids Honesty

Teaching Kids Honesty

Why is it that when a preacher or a priest commits an immoral act, it’s bigger news than when, say a plumber, commits the same act? It’s because ministry is a character profession. Guess what? Parenting is a character profession too. We must practice integrity before we can transfer it to our children.

Teach Kids to Recognize Media Values

Teach Kids to Recognize Media Values

All kinds of digital screens are flashing worldly values in front of kids at a pace that feels impossible to keep up with. What can we do to combat media values?

Teach Kids about Assurance

Teach Kids about Assurance

Have you ever struggled with assurance of your salvation? If you have, you can be certain that children do too. Today I want to help you, help them, have assurance of their salvation.

Athletic Kids Part 4 – Rest for the Spirit

Athletic Kids Part 4 – Rest for the Spirit

Rest is underrated by kids. A Johns Hopkins study shows kids need 8 to 8 ½ hours of sleep a night, and that increases by another hour into the teen years. Spiritual rest is underrated as well.

Athletic Kids Part 3 – Skills for the Spirit

Athletic Kids Part 3 – Skills for the Spirit

Our spiritual life is made up of several individual skills or disciplines. Do your kids or the kids you teach in church participate in sports? Or do they have a favorite athletic activity? If so, you have an opportunity to use it as an illustration to help kids understand spiritual health.

Athletic Kids Part 2 – Exercise for the Spirit

Athletic Kids Part 2 – Exercise for the Spirit

Athletes learn to care about diet, exercise, skill and rest. They want to get every possible edge in order to do well. My kids are always trying to come up with the best protein shake or recovery drink, the best exercise to improve that weak muscle, and the best technique to master a particular skill. Great attention to even small details can make all the difference. We’ll be looking at these areas of diet, exercise, skills and rest one at a time to think about how to use them as illustrations for our children.

Athletic Kids Part 1 – Food for the Spirit

Athletic Kids Part 1 – Food for the Spirit

Do your kids or the kids you teach in church participate in sports? Or do they have a favorite athletic activity? If so, you have an opportunity to use it as an illustration to help kids understand spiritual health.

A Kid’s Devotional Life

A Kid’s Devotional Life

Spending personal time with God is just as important for children as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children. Sadly, many kids have no idea how to have that devotional time.

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