Today's Hot Scripture
Be encouraged and enriched through God's Word
Christmas Crankiness
Do the kids in your life seem extra cranky? Do the students in your Sunday school class seem extra hyper? Do you feel like if you hear one more “can I get this, pleeeeeeease” you might just pull your hair out? If so, it must be the Christmas season! It seems like everyone loves Christmas but sometimes kids can be a whole different level of ornery at this time of year.

Making Christmas Day a Birthday Party for Jesus
We know that Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of Jesus’ birthday, but sometimes the real meaning of Christmas takes a back seat no matter how hard we try. Today I’ll share four ideas with you to help make Christmas day more like a birthday party for Jesus.

Teach Kids to Pray for the Christmas CAMEL
What is your favorite Christmas party memory? Mine is my third grade class Christmas party. That party was memorable because the mom of one of my classmates brought her homemade chocolate gnash cupcakes.

Teach Kids to Weed Out Sneaky Lies
What is your least favorite part about gardening? If you said weeding, I wouldn’t blame you. Even though it’s hard work, you know it’s worth the effort. Lies are like weeds, springing up to choke out the truth in kids’ hearts. Sometimes lies are sneaky, just like weeds which often look very much like the real plant they’re growing next to. You may not know they’re there until they have deep roots.

Teach Kids About God Using the Fall Season
Fall is finally here, or as some of my friends like to call it, pumpkin spice season. Fall is a special time of year. The weather starts cooling down, school schedules are set in place, and some fun activities are around the corner. I personally love the first chilly morning and the first whiff of smoke from the wood-burning furnace. I also love fall because there are some great ways to use this season to teach kids about God. Today, I have three fall-themed activities you can do with kids that will teach them more about the creator of this great season.

Teach Kids Why We Go to In-Person Sunday School
For some people, it’s hard enough to get back to church in person let alone go to Sunday school too! But if your family isn’t going to Sunday school, let me tell you why you’re missing out.

New Director of CEF Military Children’s Ministry Comes from West Point and Through Desert Storm
Military life has challenges average families don’t encounter. One or both military parents may be deployed for six months to over a year. Their children move 6-9 times during a school career. Attending CEF Good News Club® makes transition easier because clubs are a familiar program led by caring Christians who understand deployments and welcome children with open arms.

Teach Kids Why We Attend In-Person Church
Even though COVID restrictions have lifted, some people are having a hard time getting back to church. We got comfortable staying in our PJs and watching something online and having more time for ourselves on Sunday.

Bullying Prevention Month
It’s good for kids to be able to recognize various forms of bullying. This helps them call it out, as well as have more of a conscience about whether they are actually condoning or participating in it themselves.

Who Cares About Me?
“I don’t believe there’s a loving God,” Josh said with all sincerity. Some may think this is an exaggerated statement, but for many it’s real.
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