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Not by Works

Not by Works

There are a hundred wonderful things about being God’s child, but perhaps the most wonderful is this truth: God loves me and gives me His salvation even though I don’t deserve it. What a wonderful thing to be loved in spite of unworthiness. How sad that people all over the world are deceived by false religions that require good works in order to please God and to make it to Heaven.

Five Areas of Health

Five Areas of Health

When we think of health, physical health comes to mind first. But a wholistic view of the person includes five areas of health. In addition to physical, there’s mental health, emotional health, social health and spiritual health. All aspects of health inform the others, either supporting or tearing down.

Press Release — CEF Announces the Opening of New Digital Creative Center

Press Release — CEF Announces the Opening of New Digital Creative Center

CEF announces the opening of its new 10,000 square foot Digital Creative Center at the CEF International Headquarters in Missouri. The space contains two large recording studios, a Vlog studio, large collaborative work space, and offices for writers, animators, video editors and other creatives.

Helping Kids Overcome Hardship

Helping Kids Overcome Hardship

Do you wonder if your children are going to make it through some of the difficult tests life will throw at them? Do we have to go live on poverty street and make the kids walk ten miles in snow to school so we know they’re hardy enough to make it?

6-11 U.S. Supreme Court Decision

6-11 U.S. Supreme Court Decision

Three months before the infamous September 11, 2001 calamity, something happened in the kingdom of God on June 11, 2001 that would affect millions of children in the United States for decades to come.

Impact Magazine Summer 2022

Impact Magazine Summer 2022

Luke 10:2 is Jesus’ prayer request to send laborers into His harvest. Read this issue of the IMPACT magazine to hear how God is using the ministry of CEF to reach children around the world.

Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity Knocks

Our time to instill spiritual truths in the lives of children is limited. They will quickly grow up not caring about the ways of God and face an eternity of separation from Him. That’s why it’s important for Christians to be purposeful and prepared to make the most of opportunities God gives.

Good Shepherds

Good Shepherds

God shows Himself as the Good Shepherd, and then gives us the opportunity to reflect Him by being good shepherds ourselves. Here’s how we can mimic the Good Shepherd for the kids in our flock.

Uvalde Strong

Uvalde Strong

Uvalde Strong signs could be seen throughout Texas. The tragic shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, devastated this small community and shook the nation.

Independence Day

Independence Day

As Americans, we value our independence. But with independence comes responsibility. I think of our goal as parents to raise our children to become independent adults.

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