Today's Hot Scripture
Be encouraged and enriched through God's Word
Protecting your Relationship with Children During Discipline
When a child misbehaves either at home, in Sunday School or Good News Club, how do you let him know you still accept him, without appearing to take his offense too lightly? How do you protect his heart and your relationship with him?

Leading Your Child to a Decision for Christ
As parents, we’re often concerned about our children’s safety. Thoughts of the dangers that lurk out there motivate us to take extra precautions.

Godly Self-Esteem for Children
There’s been so much emphasis from psychologists on self-image, that it can make you worry whether any little thing you do will scar a child’s self-image for the rest of her life. You may even feel pressure to de-emphasize the child’s sin nature.

Impact Magazine Fall 2022
While looking to God on our journey through life, there will be times of new beginnings. We expect lots of changes when we are young but new beginnings can come at any time.

Helping Kids Overcome Anxiety
Among the unanticipated consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine is the toll on mental health, and thus, emotional health. New studies since the beginning of the quarantine examine the psychological impact of confinement on children.

Influencing Your Child’s Public School
Are you concerned that your child’s faith and values will be negatively impacted in a public school? You are not alone. However, I’d encourage you to not look at your child’s school as a battlefield. Instead, see it as a garden where you can plant seeds of love and truth.

School Kids and Religious Liberty
What does it mean to have freedom of religion? You can be sure they will be told there is a “separation between church and state” meaning any event sponsored or permitted by the state cannot include religion. And because a public school is state funded, God cannot be recognized, worshiped or even discussed in the school setting. “Freedom of religion” also includes the “free exercise of religion.”

Grandparents’ Day
My kids always loved going to visit their grandparents. They knew they’d get their favorite sugary cereal, play lots of games, and be doted on by loving grandparents. And they learned from their grandparents too!

Labor Day
As a child, Labor Day was the last day off before going back to school. We’d gather together for a big family picnic. I didn’t really understand the meaning of why we celebrated Labor Day; I was just glad to have a day off to enjoy the end of summer. I imagine most kids are the same. They probably wonder, Why would you celebrate work?

CEF Ministry to Caravan Migrants in Mexico
As the number of migrant caravans traveling through Mexico to the U.S. reaches double digits, CEF workers in Mexico have mobilized to reach this mission field walking through their country.
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