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Accepting Christ at a Young Age

Accepting Christ at a Young Age

“Can a child be saved?” you ask. The answer is, yes. You may wonder, When can they be saved and how can I lead them to Christ? Let’s look at the spiritual condition of children, the possibility of their salvation, how we can reach them, and our mission.

Counseling Children During Crisis | CEF

Counseling Children During Crisis | CEF

Do you know a child in crisis? Help kids heal from trauma and follow in Jesus’ footsteps by using these 4 strategies for counseling children during crisis.

Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Have you taught your children memorized prayers? I remember praying the “God is great, God is good” prayer before meals and “Now I lay me down to sleep” at bedtime. But the prayer that took more effort to learn was the Lord’s Prayer.

3 Truths for a Positive Body Image for Kids | CEF

3 Truths for a Positive Body Image for Kids | CEF

From growing bodies, to the influence of the media and peers, lots of kids struggle with their body image. Here are 3 godly truths to teach children to create a positive body image for kids.

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