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Working to Serve the Lord

Working to Serve the Lord

The purpose and mission of our lives is to live for the glory of God. Serving the Lord as a servant of Christ is a lifelong privilege. We should take advantage of such a wonderful opportunity granted by the grace of the Lord, so that when we are stripped of this physical tabernacle and clothed with the eternal tabernacle and stand before our redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, we will hear His voice say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Teaching Kids About Salvation | CEF

Teaching Kids About Salvation | CEF

Our first priority should be teaching kids about salvation, even in Christian homes. Here’s how to use the Wordless Book for teaching kids about salvation.

Teach Children the ACTS of Prayer

Teach Children the ACTS of Prayer

As a parent, I love when my children want to spend time with me. I enjoy when they share what is on their minds or ask for help. And it warms my heart when they say thank you. Good communication pours the foundation for healthy relationships. That is also true in our relationship with God. Good communication with God centers on reading the Bible to hear God speak to you and you talking to God through prayer. Boys and girls will grow in their relationship with God as they develop these two habits.

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