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Teaching Kids to Pray

Teaching Kids to Pray

From the mundane to the serious, children have many needs to bring to God. But they may think their problem is too small for Him to care about or worry they won’t say the words just right. Or perhaps they’ve never even realized that they can have a conversation with God that goes beyond the rote “Now I lay me down to sleep.” You can use the acronym PRAY to teach the kids in your class how to talk to God.

Helping Children GROW

Helping Children GROW

The saved children in your class need your help to grow in their relationships with God. “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). You can start by teaching them these basic steps of growth.

Pretend Charaters Can Reinforce a Truth

Pretend Charaters Can Reinforce a Truth

Be creative! Invent a character like The Quizmaster or Professor Know-It. You’ll be surprised at how much fun you and the children will have. But don’t be surprised at how much they remember!

Helping Kids in Crisis

Helping Kids in Crisis

In today’s world children face many crises. Some crises are personal while others are more general in nature. God wants to use you as a teacher to help those under your care, giving them godly counsel during times of crisis.

Making the Pieces Fit

Making the Pieces Fit

I’ve always enjoyed doing jigsaw puzzles. There’s just something so relaxing about tuning everything else out and focusing on which piece goes where! It’s so satisfying when the puzzle finally comes together and perfectly matches the picture on the box! Organizing several dozen Good News Clubs can often feel like a great, big puzzle. The only problem is that you don’t have a box with a picture of the desired result on it.

Truth Vs. Opinion

Truth Vs. Opinion

“My schoolteacher said that’s not true; it’s just a made-up story!” Jesse declared as his Sunday school class began studying creation.

Simple Skits, Sketches and Scripture Shows

Simple Skits, Sketches and Scripture Shows

While both watching and performing in skits can be lots of fun, don’t stop short of the goal! Use drama as a tool to bring home the point of your lesson.

Does God Actually Love Everyone?

Does God Actually Love Everyone?

Although there are questions you may think are ridiculous, like that one, there are also questions that leave you digging through Scripture for days. One such question is: How can God say He loves all people when the Bible says that He hates Esau?

The Strong-Willed Child

The Strong-Willed Child

My son is three years old. He is hilarious, busy, and has energy to fuel at least three other kids (or at least it seems that way)! He already has a very strong personality. He loves people, but he also loves the idea of being in charge.

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