Song Videos
Learn the words and motions to our song videos!The Wordless Book – Discover Its Rich Heritage
The Wordless Book, first designed with only three pages–black, red, and white–was introduced by Charles Spurgeon in 1866. Preaching at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, his sermon was entitled “The Wordless Book.”
A Matter of Life and Death
Unexpected things happen in life. But when children learn to trust God, they know who to turn to in difficult times.
Creative Outreach to Kids
How did you get involved with your local church? Churches tend to focus their outreach on adults, but there are so many ways to creatively reach out to kids!
Competing with Technology for a Kid’s Attention
I’m part of a generation that experienced the evolution of technology from chunky box monitors, desk tops, and flip phones to thin tablets and smart phones. For many teachers and parents, the constant changes in technology are overwhelming.
Impact Magazine Winter 2021
When we consider the lives of most children around the world, our hearts break. In this edition of Impact magazine articles give testimony to the great needs of children, the faithfulness of God to send laborers to tell them, and the power of God to change lives.
Teaching Kids to Spot Gossip
What was your last conflict like? Disagreements, arguments, hurt feelings are hard. But do you know what can make conflicts worse? Gossip. During conflict, it’s easy to turn to gossip to “vent our feelings.” And while there is a place for talking through conflict, if we aren’t careful, it can become a coverup for gossip.
After-School Satan Clubs — The Real Story
WARRENTON, Mo., Jan. 13, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ — Atheists are at it again, this time in Moline, IL, using a ploy to disrupt schools and prevent the exercise of free speech that involves Christian viewpoint.
How to Discern a Kid’s Spiritual Position
What does true faith look like in kids? It’s easy to believe that since certain kids go to church, have Christian parents, or are well-behaved, they’re truly Christians. Do we really need to keep sharing the Gospel? Here are 4 ideas that can help as we seek to...
Preparing Kids for Personal Devotions in the New Year
Spending personal time with God is just as important for children as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children. Sadly, many kids have no idea how to have that devotional time. Today I have several things you can do to help them start establishing a lifetime of relationship with God.
Christmas Crankiness
Do the kids in your life seem extra cranky? Do the students in your Sunday school class seem extra hyper? Do you feel like if you hear one more “can I get this, pleeeeeeease” you might just pull your hair out? If so, it must be the Christmas season! It seems like everyone loves Christmas but sometimes kids can be a whole different level of ornery at this time of year.