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How to Teach Kids About the Bible | CEF

How to Teach Kids About the Bible | CEF

We all want kids to read the Bible, but many children don’t know how or where to start. Here are 4 steps to teach kids about the Bible and how to read it well.

How to Show Kids Empathy | CEF

How to Show Kids Empathy | CEF

Kids deserve to be heard and understood. Learn how to teach kids about empathy, to share their emotions, and how to practice empathetic listening with children.

Thankful for a Father’s Love | CEF

Thankful for a Father’s Love | CEF

A father’s love is God’s love. Debra Hane shares how to remind kids to be thankful for a father’s love on Father’s Day, while pointing them to God the Father.

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Ten Talents | Sunday School Solutions

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Ten Talents | Sunday School Solutions

You probably have children in your Sunday school class who have amazing gifts and abilities. Josh loves to play the piano, Sarah sings very well for her age, and Lucas is a born actor. But what about the children who don’t think they are gifted? How do you encourage them to be responsible with what they have? Jesus explained this to His disciples in the parable of the talents.

Leading Your Child to Christ | CEF

Leading Your Child to Christ | CEF

It’s never too early to choose Jesus, but it has to be just that: a choice. Here’s how to lead your child to Christ and guide them to a salvation decision.

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