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Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Have you taught your children memorized prayers? I remember praying the “God is great, God is good” prayer before meals and “Now I lay me down to sleep” at bedtime. But the prayer that took more effort to learn was the Lord’s Prayer.

3 Truths for a Positive Body Image for Kids | CEF

3 Truths for a Positive Body Image for Kids | CEF

From growing bodies, to the influence of the media and peers, lots of kids struggle with their body image. Here are 3 godly truths to teach children to create a positive body image for kids.

Kids are Valuable to God

Kids are Valuable to God

Is there a child in this world who is not important? All children are precious. Most parents would trade their own lives for them. That is why the Lord said that even the wicked know what is good for their children. But are these children precious to God? Yes, they are. Every child on earth is precious to God.

Pentecost for Kids, Explained | CEF

Pentecost for Kids, Explained | CEF

What is Pentecost Sunday? Teach Pentecost for kids in this simple way by learning about the Holy Spirit, salvation, and the Pentecost Sunday meaning.

Worship with the Psalmists

Worship with the Psalmists

Are you sad, happy, angry, thankful, or afraid? Everyone’s emotions can change based on their circumstances or moods. Sometimes our emotions can be hard to manage or understand. Children need help to understand and properly manage their emotions, too.

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