Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!
There’s More to Leading than Giving Guidance
How can you possibly lead a group of people if you can’t get along with them? Taking the time to build relationships with your workers will make your job much easier.

Does Everyone Know Right From Wrong?
Sometimes our hearts trick us. But God’s Word shows us the truth. Obey it—and use it to teach others!

Dare To Try It!
As I trust in God and try new things, He is faithful and provides the path for me to follow. So dare to change the way you teach and expect to see change in a child’s life!

Dealing with Students Fears
A skilled teacher, like a trained nurse, can observe students’ fears and save lives. Here are some ways to turn your classroom into an emergency room of healing and hope.

Clothes, Fads and God’s Word
For our generation it was bellbottoms, crazy daisies and long hair. How we must have driven our parents and teachers crazy. When’s the last time you found a picture of yourself from way back when and wondered, “What was I thinking?” Preteens today are no different. They have their styles and fashions, their favorite stores and designers and they are all trying to be unique as they dress to look just like everyone else their age.
High Calling: ACT (October 2017)
No idea, noble or obscure, will impact others unless that idea is acted upon. ACT is our focus in this month’s edition of HIGH CALLING.

Since God knows what we need before we ask, why do we need to pray?
You are right. God does know what we need. God tells us in Matthew 6:8, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” But in the next verses he tells us to pray for our needs. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 God commands us to pray continually. That means to pray a lot!

Understanding God: Jesus as Both God and Son – Biblical Explanation | CEF
Discover how Jesus can be both God and His Son through biblical explanations. Learn about God’s nature and the Trinity from trusted biblical sources.

Who’s who in your Classroom
While your focus may be on the boys vs. girls or their age groups God’s focus is on the child’s spiritual condition. Each person in your class needs to know he can receive Jesus as his personal Savior. He must see that his sin makes this choice the most important one of his life.

Satan Clubs Dying and Good News Clubs Growing
Atheists disguised as members of the Satanic Temple ended their short-lived after-school program at Point Defiance Elementary School in Tacoma. After their publicity stunt, their first meeting took place December 2016, with only one child joining the monthly club.