Promotion Videos
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Abiding in Christ
Okay, I admit it—I’ve got some favorite students in my Sunday school class. You know who I’m talking about—the student who sits up in her chair, helps her classmates, and always wears a cheerful smile. But sometimes the fruit we see in these children is coming from a wrong motive or heart attitude. Maybe they obey out of obligation or the desire to be better than their peers.
Children cannot grow God-glorifying fruit in their own strength, so how can we help them so that it will grow supernaturally in their lives?

Instilling a Proper Perspective Towards Work in Children|CEF
Learn how to start instilling a proper perspective towards work in children with these three biblical truths on labor.

Why Invest in Training for Children’s Church Workers | CEF
Learn the surprising benefits of equipping volunteers for children’s ministry with CEF’s teacher training for children’s church workers.

Countering the Misconception of Salvation by Works in Kids | CEF
How to start teaching children about salvation by grace, countering the misconception of salvation by works with unconditional love in children’s ministry.

Victory Over Sin
Victory! It’s what we play for, strive for, and fight for. Everyone wants to be a winner. It’s natural for children to push and grab to get what they want or throw a tantrum. But it’s good they don’t always gain victory in what they want because it would actually be bad for them.
CEF wins major legal victory against Hawaii school officials blocking the ministry’s Good News Club®
CEF wins major legal victory against Hawaii school officials blocking the ministry’s Good News Club®‘This injunction is a welcomed win not only for CEF Hawaii but for all Christian groups in the public square,’ says CEF Acting Vice President of...

Overcoming Hardship by Seeing God’s Hand in Difficulties | CEF
Learn how to start preparing kids for challenges early in life by teaching them how to see God’s hand in difficulties, overcoming hardship with obedience.
Over 3,000 of CEF’s Good News Club® await children returning to school in America.
Over 3,000 of CEF’s Good News Club® await children returning to school in America‘It’s so important that children have a godly alternative in a culture that is not only post-Christian but often hostile to Christianity,’ says CEF Acting Vice President of...