Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!High Calling: PEOPLE or THINGS (January 2018)
Jesus looked at the city of Jerusalem and was moved. Not because of the crumbling buildings, the roads in disrepair, or the billboards that needed to be replaced.

What Is Faith Exactly?
The Bible definition of faith is “The substance of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). Go on to read the rest of the chapter and you will find a list of Old Testament people who had faith in God and obeyed Him even though they couldn’t see Him with their eyes.

Against All Odds
Sociologists tell us there is a great likelihood that:
• a child of an abuser will be one
• a child of poverty will stay one
• a child of an alcoholic will become one
• a child of a broken home will have one.
These statistics fail to recognize a God who says: “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17).

Where Is My Joy?
God tells us to make a conscious commitment to face trials with joy. I’ve been told that some people think they will have no more problems after they come to Christ. If so, they will learn the truth quickly! Problems are part of being alive.

Talking to Children about Gambling
Bethany told her Sunday school teacher, “My dad and I buy a lottery ticket every week at the gas station. We won ten dollars once!” Before the teacher could intervene, Joshua spoke up, “You shouldn’t play the lottery; that’s gambling!”

Challenging Preteens
Preteens are at a stage where they may begin tuning out spiritual instruction. Our job as teachers is to challenge these emerging adolescents to keep on learning. In order to do so we must tap into the intrinsic motivators God has put in place.

How Can I Recognize God’s Voice?
Did you know every voice is one of a kind? Even the best impersonator can’t sound exactly like someone else. God’s voice is unique too.

To Discipline or Not to Discipline
Matt and Josh aren’t sit¬ting in chairs for the story,” said Sarah. The rest of the children were seated around me so Sarah was concerned about Matt’s and Josh’s apparent lack of obedience. I considered her concern but decided discipline wasn’t necessary.

Friendship and Godly Living
Children are taught skills in everything from math to soccer—why not friendship! The Bible gives us principles to follow in making friends and being a friend.
High Calling: A Jolt To Think and Pray (December 2017)
We all read articles from time to time that jolt us into a season of thinking and praying. The article below from Dale Hudson is one of those.