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Leaders Need Initiative

Leaders Need Initiative

Although the Supreme Court ruling was favorable, public school clubs will not increase unless leaders like Mark take the initiative. Our dictionary defines initiative as “the power, ability or instinct to begin or follow through energetically with a plan or task.”

The Story of a Question

The Story of a Question

My three grandchildren- Jared, 11, Joshua, 8, and Sierra, almost 7 were in my class as I taught the attribute of God’s omnipotence.

Kids Can Obey and Play!

Kids Can Obey and Play!

“Did you bring your dinosaurs?” asked Riley as she rushed into class and scanned the room for Fluffy and Maximus. These T-rex twins are a favorite with many kids in my class, but others prefer my bright yellow Minions, Stuart and Kevin, or one of the many other behavior incentives that show up in my class regularly.

Energize Personal Bible Reading

Energize Personal Bible Reading

As Christian educators we must help children understand the importance of God’s Word in their daily lives by example.

You Can SING with Kids!

You Can SING with Kids!

As we started to sing, Karl rolled his eyes; slid further down in his chair; and crossed his arms as if to say, “I dare you to try to get me to sing.” It didn’t take long for the other 4th and 5th grade boys to follow his example and refuse to participate during songs.

Crispy Temptation

Crispy Temptation

There are a lot of things that seem good but are just plain bad for us. We call the desire for those things temptation.

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