Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!
The Angry Children of Divorce
The yelling that erupted from the kindergarten room was like a 911 call to the alert ears of the children’s director at Mosaic, a church in East Los Angeles. The director was halfway down the hall when the kindergarten leader leaned out the doorway to signal for help. An angry little boy was led to the director to be soothed and calmed.

Counseling Children for Salvation
Leading a child to Jesus can be both exciting — and frightening. What if you say the wrong thing? What if she asks a question that you don’t know the answer to? How do you know if the child is sincere?

Motivation 101
There must be a thousand ways to teach basic motivation. I remember stories I heard as a child. There was “The Little Engine That Could.” Generations of children have learned from this story that if they really put their hearts into a job it can make a difference.

Demonstrating Faith
God is pushed out of the lives of so many of today’s children. Schoolteachers consciously avoid mentioning Him. On TV and in many homes His commandments are blatantly violated. Schedules are packed with nonreligious activities, so how do we demonstrate faith to the next generation of children?

Emojis As a Teaching Tool? Yes!
Kid’s ministry has changed so much over the last ten years! For example, I did not own a cell phone until I was 19. Now kids get them at younger and younger ages and because of this texting and social media are becoming more and more relevant to even young children.

Will There Be Christmas in Heaven?
Will there be Christmas in heaven? God doesn’t answer this question in the Bible. But He tells us enough to know this: if you like Christmas, you will love Heaven!

Make the Most of Every Moment
Looking back over 30 years of children’s ministry, I regret the times I put the urgency of completing the lesson ahead of the needs of my learners. I regret the times I told a child I would be glad to listen to his concern over his sick cat “later.”

Finding God in the Nonfiction Section
Sherry Biddison teaches a Good News Club in the school library with a sign above her head which reads, “Non-Fiction.” It is fitting, because the Bible is as nonfiction as it gets! Children today are offered many different versions of ‘truth’ by their parents, teachers, friends, and TV celebrities.

Practically Prepared—Is It Possible?
Your Sunday school class was going great! Jesus had fed the 5,000 and Jaxon was tracking right along with the story.

Effective Children’s Program Uses Construction Toys to Build Relationships and Bible Knowledge
The international ministry Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is using models built of LEGO® bricks as a tool to build community relationships with families while teaching children the Word of God.