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Communicate With Visuals | Sunday School Solutions

Communicate With Visuals | Sunday School Solutions

Think about your favorite school teacher. Why was he your favorite? Maybe he was really intentional. Maybe he was the first person who finally made math understandable to you. Now think about your least favorite teacher. Why was he your least favorite?

Score One for Public School Kids

Score One for Public School Kids

People of faith are celebrating this week, and none more than the teachers of nearly 5,000 Good News Clubs in the nation’s public schools. On National Religious Freedom Day, January 16, President Trump signed new guidance rules to protect, among other things, freedom of prayer in public schools.

Kid’s Devotional Life | Sunday School Solutions

Kid’s Devotional Life | Sunday School Solutions

Spending personal time with God is just as important for children as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children, and that includes the saved children in your Sunday school class. Sadly, many children have no idea how to have that quiet time.

Christmas Games | Sunday School Solutions

Christmas Games | Sunday School Solutions

Christmas is right around the corner! The Sunday before Christmas is usually a time when many new faces can be seen at church, so it’s important to make sure these visitors feel welcome. Chances are there will likely be new children in your Sunday school class as well.

Who Was Lottie Moon | Sunday School Solutions

Who Was Lottie Moon | Sunday School Solutions

For years, churches have encouraged members to support missionaries through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Is your church one of them? Do the children in your church know why this is encouraged, or even who Lottie Moon is? Keep reading to find out for yourself!

Joy to The World | Sunday School Solutions

Joy to The World | Sunday School Solutions

Well guys, it’s getting to be that time of year again—Christmas time! Have you planned how you’ll celebrate with the kids in your Sunday school class? Let’s think through how you can help the children get into the Christmas spirit and learn about the true reason for the season.

Helping Kids Give Thanks | Sunday School Solutions

Helping Kids Give Thanks | Sunday School Solutions

What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner? The turKEY. What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving themed Sunday school class? There’s more than one. Here are a few key ideas to make your Thanksgiving Sunday school class stuffed with fun.

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