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IMPACT Magazine Spring 2020 Edition
Are you ready for some good news? Read this issue of the IMPACT magazine to hear the incredible stories of what God is doing through CEF around the world. In this issue you will read stories from countries like Belarus, Bulgaria, Kenya, Fiji, Brazil and many more.

Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Poetry | Sunday School Solutions
Poetry has been around for ages—it even goes back to biblical times! In fact, many of the hymns and worship songs we sing today come from biblical poetry.

Largest Children’s Ministry in the World Comes to a Halt
WARRENTON, Mo., April 23, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ — Thousands of CEF staff members and hundreds of thousands of volunteers teach millions of boys and girls daily in weekly face-to-face Good News Clubs. Suddenly, COVID-19 brings that to a halt.

Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: History | Sunday School Solutions
Maybe you hated history as a kid, or maybe it was your favorite subject. In addition to American, world, and many other cultural histories, there is also biblical history.

Good News Across the Web
WARRENTON, Mo., March 24, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ — Child Evangelism Fellowship operates over 99,000 after-school clubs around the world. GOOD NEWS CLUBS feature Bible teaching, music, games and snacks for children once a week.

FREE Children’s Church Videos for Churches to Use When Streaming Services
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches started live streaming their services for adults. However, churches don’t have enough help to continue ministry to children. Child Evangelism Fellowship is offering free weekly videos on its YouTube channel, U-Nite, with a program for children that can be shared by churches free of charge.

Help for Talking to Kids about COVID-19
FAITH NEWSWIRE – Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) has provided an effective tool for conversing with children about such troubling situations as the Coronavirus outbreak.

Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Law | Sunday School Solutions
Teaching children the Pentateuch, also known as the Law, can easily seem like an overwhelming task. Maybe you don’t even want to teach the kids in your children’s church about books like Leviticus and Numbers.

Intro to The Bible | Sunday School Solutions
While it may be common knowledge that a Sunday school teacher should teach children from the Bible, many don’t realize that they need to teach children about the Bible as well.

Making God’s Word Part of Family Life
One of the greatest treasures God entrusts to any man or woman is a child. And no one can quite replace a parent in the life of a child. What are you doing to help your child to know God and His Word?