Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!FREE Children’s Church Videos for Churches to Use When Streaming Services
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches started live streaming their services for adults. However, churches don’t have enough help to continue ministry to children. Child Evangelism Fellowship is offering free weekly videos on its YouTube channel, U-Nite, with a program for children that can be shared by churches free of charge.
Help for Talking to Kids about COVID-19
FAITH NEWSWIRE – Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) has provided an effective tool for conversing with children about such troubling situations as the Coronavirus outbreak.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Law | Sunday School Solutions
Teaching children the Pentateuch, also known as the Law, can easily seem like an overwhelming task. Maybe you don’t even want to teach the kids in your children’s church about books like Leviticus and Numbers.
Intro to The Bible | Sunday School Solutions
While it may be common knowledge that a Sunday school teacher should teach children from the Bible, many don’t realize that they need to teach children about the Bible as well.
Making God’s Word Part of Family Life
One of the greatest treasures God entrusts to any man or woman is a child. And no one can quite replace a parent in the life of a child. What are you doing to help your child to know God and His Word?
Communicate With Visuals | Sunday School Solutions
Think about your favorite school teacher. Why was he your favorite? Maybe he was really intentional. Maybe he was the first person who finally made math understandable to you. Now think about your least favorite teacher. Why was he your least favorite?
Advice to School Boards Regarding Satan Clubs
Atheists are at it again, in Knox County, TN this time, trying to prevent the exercise of free speech if it involves Christian viewpoint.
FREE Child Evangelism Training Including American Sign Language (ASL) Translation Now Available Online
Not long ago, a young lady who is deaf sent an email to Child Evangelism Fellowship® requesting that training in child evangelism be offered in ASL. She said she was willing to travel anywhere in the world to receive this training.
Score One for Public School Kids
People of faith are celebrating this week, and none more than the teachers of nearly 5,000 Good News Clubs in the nation’s public schools. On National Religious Freedom Day, January 16, President Trump signed new guidance rules to protect, among other things, freedom of prayer in public schools.
Kid’s Devotional Life | Sunday School Solutions
Spending personal time with God is just as important for children as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children, and that includes the saved children in your Sunday school class. Sadly, many children have no idea how to have that quiet time.