Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!
Keys to a Happy Thanksgiving Day
Your Thanksgiving gathering may be limited to your immediate family this year, but you can do some things to make it especially meaningful, maybe even start some new traditions. Here’s some keys to a great Thanksgiving for your kids.

Impact Magazine Fall 2020
Throughout this edition of Impact, you will read testimonies from around the world of how God opened doors, expanded ministry, improved communication, and fostered a greater unity among our workers.

You Can Influence Your Child’s Public School
Are you concerned that your child’s faith and values will be negatively impacted in a public school?

Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Paul’s Letters | Sunday School Solutions
Did you have a pen pal growing up? It’s exciting to receive a personal letter in the mail. Maybe some of the children you teach have received or written letters before.

What does it mean to have freedom of religion?
What does it mean to have freedom of religion? Does it mean your children are free to practice religion at home and church but not in public? Must they stay quiet about God in the classroom and online school platforms, and only talk about him at break time?

Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Church History | Sunday School Solutions
You may be familiar with the idea of random acts of kindness—small actions that show kindness to others. These actions are called “acts.” The book of Acts describes the acts of Jesus’ apostles through the Holy Spirit.

Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: The Gospels | Sunday School Solutions
Do you like to hear good news? I think it’s safe to say that everyone does! The word Gospel means “good news,” and the first division of the New Testament is called the Gospels.

Impact Magazine Summer 2020 Annual Report
Psalm 78 gives clear instruction to reach the next generation. Read this issue of the IMPACT magazine to hear how God is using the ministry of CEF to reach the next generation. Through this annual report edition of the 2019 ministry year, you will see that God has raised an army of evangelists around the world so that the next generation might know.

Teaching The Divisions of The Bible: Minor Prophets | Sunday School Solutions
Major league, minor league. One is better than the other, but that’s not the case with the Major and Minor Prophets. Just because we call them the Minor Prophets doesn’t mean these prophets or their messages are any less important than the Major Prophets

Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Major Prophets | Sunday School Solutions
In the Old Testament, we read of several different prophets and how God used them to deliver His messages to people. Often, these messages were difficult to understand, especially when they were sad or when they addressed things that hadn’t happened yet.