Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!
Help Kids Process Difficulty or Trauma
Very few people feel adequate to help children process their emotions, especially when something tragic happens. Children can be so different, can’t they?

Teach Kids about Everyday Worship
I had a fun time one evening recently asking kids ages 7-12 about their thoughts on this topic–worshipping God in everyday life. I’m going to share some of their answers with you.

Impact Magazine Summer 2021
Psalm 78 gives clear instruction to reach the next generation. Read this issue of the IMPACT magazine to hear how God is using the ministry of CEF to reach the next generation. Through this annual report edition of the 2020 ministry year, you will see that God has raised an army of evangelists around the world so that the next generation might know.

Teach Kids to Value All People
How can we teach kids to value others? The Bible says much about the value of life and loving others. The very first chapter has the foundational reason to value all people.

Impact Magazine Spring 2021
Don’t wait! Read an interactive version of the magazine below or complete the form to receive a FREE digital copy of the IMPACT magazine each quarter.

The 4-14 Window
Have you heard of the 4 to 14 window? That’s the age when people are most likely to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. In 2015, the National Association of Evangelicals polled their membership to learn at what age members made this most important decision of their lives.

Help Kids Show Honor on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can hold all kinds of emotions for us. For some of us it’s a joyful day and we give loving sentiments to our parent and receive them from children. For others of us it’s a hard day because a relationship with a child or parent is difficult, or we’ve lost a child or parent. Every mention of the day can pour salt into a wound.

Convictions Worth Dying For
If children grow up believing there’s nothing worth dying for, they’ll end up feeling like there’s nothing worth living for.

Teaching Kids Honesty
Why is it that when a preacher or a priest commits an immoral act, it’s bigger news than when, say a plumber, commits the same act? It’s because ministry is a character profession. Guess what? Parenting is a character profession too. We must practice integrity before we can transfer it to our children.

Teach Kids to Recognize Media Values
All kinds of digital screens are flashing worldly values in front of kids at a pace that feels impossible to keep up with. What can we do to combat media values?