Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!
Is There a Satan Club in Your Child’s School?
Is there a Satan Club in your child’s public school? There very well could be. Here’s a little background and then some advice.

Fun Ways to Memorize Scripture
What’s your go-to method for remembering important things? Personally, I make a lot of lists and set phone alerts. What about remembering Scripture? Can you memorize Scripture with the same tools? Memorizing Bible verses is important, but it can be hard. It can be hard for kids, too, but this is the time of their lives when they can more easily memorize and then have that truth in their heart for the rest of their life.

Why Memorize Scripture?
it can be hard for kids to remember anything they read that day. However, as kids memorize God’s Word, they store up God’s wisdom and guidance in their hearts. God uses this truth to help them become more like Him in their daily lives. But kids don’t always see the point of memorizing Bible verses, so they might not be motivated to make scripture memory a habit.

The Value of CEF Internships
Participating in a Christian internship program can help young adults grow spiritually while developing skills and interests. It can help them decide whether to go to college and if they do, what major to choose. Child Evangelism Fellowship International Headquarters offers such an internship program.

Helping Weary Kids
Kids might feel like giving up on the Christian life, too. They may be doing the same things over and over again—inviting their friends to church, reading their Bible every day, resisting temptation, trying to love their annoying siblings—and they’re getting tired of it.

Not Allowed to Go to Church
Although kids may never step inside a church, God still reaches out to them. He uses ordinary people who take the time reach the children where they are and teach them about Jesus.

Teach Kids About Spiritual Gifts
While the world cares about physical gifts, which are temporary, the Lord calls Christians to care about a completely different set of gifts that are not as easily apparent. However, these gifts make a monumental impact in the heavenly realm that will last for eternity. These are called SPIRITUAL gifts.

CEF Caring for Ukrainian Children in Ukraine and Neighboring Countries
CEF has full-time workers in every neighboring country and they are coordinating with the Hope for Ukraine response.

Help Kids Combat Cyberbullying
Getting kids to talk to you about cyberbullying can be hard. They may be too embarrassed to talk about it. Maybe they feel like it’s something they should be able to handle themselves, or maybe they’re scared that getting adults involved will make their situation worse, or restrict their activities. Do your best to make sure kids know you’re safe to talk to and that you want what’s best for everyone involved.

Impact Magazine Spring 2022
One of our greatest joys has been getting to know the CEF family and hearing their stories of God’s wondrous works. In this edition of Impact magazine, you’ll find stories from around the globe. Children are coming to Jesus, impacting their parents, and witnessing to their friends.