Promotion Videos
Be encouraged through the work of CEF!CEF’s SPAN program allows national missionaries to reach children all over the world with the love of Jesus
‘If it weren’t for our SPAN program, many of these missionaries would have to give up full-time ministry,’ says Child Evangelism Fellowship Executive Vice President Moises Esteves

Impact Magazine Fall 2023
Each year in autumn, I praise God for things such as the beautiful flowers, trees with colorful leaves, and delicious fruit. How do the flowers and trees know the seasons and bear fruit? It is a mystery of God’s creation.

These 3 Convictions are Worth Teaching Your Child | CEF
You can’t truly live until you find something worth dying for. Teach your kids these 3 convictions and how to cherish them throughout their life.
From Bullies to Buddies: Children embrace faith in Christ and transform their lives
‘During October, which is Bullying Prevention Month, CEF is sharing how the love of Christ has a positive impact on troubled children,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves

Teaching Kids About God Sightings | CEF
What are God Sightings? Learn about how to find God Sightings, what they are, and why you should teach kids about God Sightings.
Polish parents find faith and join CEF’s mission to share the Gospel
‘Our Good News Clubs often reach entire families after they see the positive change in the children,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves

5 Ways to Give Kids Assurance of Salvation | CEF
How can kids know if they’re saved? Here are five ways you can guide children into assurance of their salvation, feeling joy and peace in their faith decision.
Children on remote Brazilian island respond to the Gospel through CEF outreach
‘No place is too remote or difficult to reach for Christians who take Jesus’s Great Commission seriously,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Prodigal Son | Sunday School Solutions
We all have a perception of God’s love, but our perception needs to be grounded in biblical truth. Think about the children in your Sunday school class. Do they have the correct perception of God’s love for them? Do they think they have done something so bad that God wouldn’t love them? Do they believe God must love them because they are good kids? You can teach them the correct perspective of God’s love through the parable of the prodigal son.

3 Things to Teach Kids About Disabilities| CEF
Use these 3 tips to help kids understand disabilities and how to treat disabled people with kindness, respect, dignity, and inclusivity.