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Be encouraged through the work of CEF!
5 Signs That Your Child is a Christian | CEF
Not every church kid is saved. Here’s how to talk to your child about their faith, help them grow in it, and recognize when your child is a Christian.
Ahead of Veterans Day, Child Evangelism Fellowship offers a unique program for military families and their children
‘CEF’s Military Children’s Ministry offers security, continuity and the Gospel message through Good News Clubs® tailored to military life,’ says CEF Military Children’s Ministry director Andy Bunn

3 Fall Crafts to Teach Kids About God | CEF
Autumn is here! Help kids learn more about God’s character and bountiful promises with these 3 fun fall crafts.
CEF Alaska is reaching remote Bush villages with the Good News of the Gospel
‘In the remote heart of Alaska, Child Evangelism Fellowship is reaching children only accessible by plane or barge, connecting lives across rugged horizons,’ says Moises Esteves, CEF executive vice president

These Neglected Kids Need Your Help | CEF
Josh didn’t believe in a loving God—after all, no one ever loved him. Here’s how you can use CEF to make a lifelong impact on neglected kids.
Child Evangelism Fellowship; How children are making an impact on the lives of their parents through Christ
‘We can’t tell you how many times we have heard that kids who attended our Good News Clubs® brought Jesus home to their parents, who then got saved,’ says Child Evangelism Fellowship Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
CEF brings spiritual relief for children in trauma through helpful booklet, ‘Do You Wonder Why?’
‘Children traumatized by conflict need answers to the most difficult questions, and our booklet helps them get through it,’ says Moises Esteves, CEF executive vice president

3 Ways Christian Kids Can Stand Up to Bullies | CEF
October is Bullying Prevention Month. Understand what bullying is and the 3 ways Christian kids can take a stand against bullying.

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builder
The childlike faith kids need to come to salvation in Jesus is a blessing, but it can also lead them to believe some ideas that aren’t true. How do you explain to a child how to discern truth from error?

3 Tips to Help Kids Befriend Seniors | CEF
God cares for seniors and He wants children to too! Read for how to teach kids to care for the elderly and 3 tips to help kids befriend seniors.