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Impact Magazine Winter 2023
Have you considered the wonders of God? Maybe you
think about the wonders of Christmas this time of year.
What excites me most is the wonder of God’s work to bring lost sinners into a relationship with Himself.

3 Advent Countdown Ideas for the Family | CEF
Christmas is almost here! Help kids celebrate the birth of Jesus with these 3 advent countdown ideas that highlight the real advent meaning.
Child Evangelism Fellowship shares the love of Jesus with migrant families in Mexico
‘It breaks your heart to see so many children in distress, but it’s uplifting to reach them with the best news of their lives — the saving grace of Jesus Christ,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves

4 Reasons to Attend Sunday School as Kids | CEF
Going to church as a family is vital. But so is Sunday School for kids! Here’s 4 reasons to attend Sunday School and why Sunday School is important for families.
This Christmas, CEF seeks to reach 10 million children with the greatest gift — a Gospel message
‘One of the most important lessons to be learned in life is that God keeps His promises,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves

Thanksgiving and the Gospel Message for Kids | CEF
Teach kids these lessons about the history of Thanksgiving and the Gospel message. Jesus is the real reason we can celebrate with thanksgiving and gratitude!
Child Evangelism Fellowship celebrates 80 years of international outreach to children
‘In 1943, the first U.S.-sent missionaries arrived in Mexico to begin CEF founder Jesse Irvin Overholtzer’s quest for world evangelism,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
Child Evangelism Fellowship’s devotionals help parents teach their children about God’s love for them
‘We can’t wait until they’re teens and hope they’ll hear us. We must teach them while they’re young. If we don’t do it, the world will,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves

3 Kids Thanksgiving Activities for Families | CEF
Teach kids about God the fun way with these 3 kids Thanksgiving activities for families, including Thanksgiving crafts for kids and Thanksgiving games for kids.

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
As believers, we are called to forgive those who have sinned against us. But this can be challenging, even for children. Maybe a friend lied to them or said hurtful things. Maybe someone at school stole one of their valuable possessions. How can you teach the importance of forgiveness to the kids in your Sunday school class?