Good News Club TV Summer fun


Teaching Kids to Pray

Teaching Kids to Pray

by Maribeth Pipkorn“I’m in a concert on Friday, and I’m really nervous. Pray that I will do a good job!” “My cousin is really sick. Pray that she will stop having seizures.” “Please pray that my parents will stop fighting. I’m scared they’re going to get a divorce.”...

Helping Children GROW

Helping Children GROW

by Maribeth PipkornAmanda and Haley received Christ as their Savior in my class. But the following week, when the invitation for salvation was given, they responded again. These girls weren’t struggling with assurance of their salvation; instead, they had questions...

Pretend Charaters Can Reinforce a Truth

Pretend Charaters Can Reinforce a Truth

Pretend Characters Can Reinforce a Truth -Tim and Lisa Deam “Is Blueford coming today?” a second grader asked Tim during VBS. Dressed in a blue wig and mis­matched clothing, Tim portrayed a bumbling camp handy-man. Blu­eford and Lisa reviewed the Bible lesson and...

Helping Kids in Crisis

Helping Kids in Crisis

by Tina Busenitz“5-year-old Girl Survives Being Hit, Pinned under Vehicle” “Boy, 7, Hospitalized After Being Mauled By Dog” “9-year-old Cancer Patient to Face His Last Christmas Early” These headlines remind us that children are not immune to suffering and trauma. The...

Making the Pieces Fit

Making the Pieces Fit

Making the Pieces Fit -Susan Mackert I’ve always enjoyed doing jigsaw puzzles. There’s just something so relaxing about tuning everything else out and focusing on which piece goes where! It’s so satisfying when the puzzle finally comes together and perfectly matches...

Truth Vs. Opinion

Truth Vs. Opinion

Truth vs. Opinion -Barbara Heki  “My schoolteacher said that’s not true; it’s just a made-up story!” Jesse declared as his Sunday school class began studying creation. Many children in early elemen­tary are very trusting. From birth they’ve learned to trust whatever...

Simple Skits, Sketches and Scripture Shows

Simple Skits, Sketches and Scripture Shows

Simple Skits, Sketches, and Scripture Shows -Gordon and Beki West The church was once the center of creative storytelling, including dramas designed to teach the masses about God and His Word. Even in this age of technology and major motion pictures, juniors love to...

Blue and Gold Collection

Blue and Gold Collection

Blue and Gold CollectionPHONE BACKGROUNDSDownloadDownloadDownloadDESKTOP BACKGROUNDSDownloadDownloadDownloadGet the Latest News & UpdatesSubscribe to be notified by email when we have additional information to share.[gravityform id="10" title="false"...

Does God Actually Love Everyone?

Does God Actually Love Everyone?

Does God Actually Love Everyone? -Stephen Nogueras When teaching children, you will find that the questions they ask are often difficult to answer. I remember one time when a kid asked me how many words are in the Bible. I found that hard, especially since different...