Good News Club TV Summer fun


3 Tips for Maintaining Attention

3 Tips for Maintaining Attention

By Brianna Frook“Okay, look. Can you all just please sit still and listen to me?!” Have you ever said something similar when teaching kids? Maintaining the attention and focus of children can be a big challenge. We all as teachers want to make an impact and help...

Teacher, Could You Use Some Prayer?

Teacher, Could You Use Some Prayer?

by Claire KoenigEvery Sunday school class faces a variety of struggles. Children’s behavior isn’t the only challenging issue—attendance, low staff, and curriculum decisions are just a few of the many struggles that you can’t solve without prayer.But who should you ask...

Easier Said Than Done

Easier Said Than Done

Easier Said Than Done By Stephen Nogueras Admit it. We’ve all done it. You set goals for change and for the first six days you do great! You don’t eat junk food, you wake up at 5:00 a.m. and go to bed at 9 p.m. – then all of a sudden you stop. It’s easy to say you’ll...

Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up!

by Caroline Middaugh We’ve all been guilty of it. More than half your class is off sick, on vacation, or something else has taken them away. Perhaps you watched as some even avoided the classroom. As you look at the few who have come, you wonder what to do with the...

Are You Teaching Bible Stories, Or Bible Lessons?

Are You Teaching Bible Stories, Or Bible Lessons?

Are you teaching Bible stories or Bible lessons? By Tina Busenitz Noah’s Ark. Jonah and the Whale. Daniel in the Lions’ Den. David and Goliath. All of these are exciting Bible stories that children love to listen to. They marvel at what God has done. But is there more...

All for the Glory of God

All for the Glory of God

All for the Glory of God -Susan Mackert, director CEF Southern Nevada One of the blessings of teaching children is that you must really know your stuff to be able to bring it down to their level. Last year we taught the memory verse 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So, whether...

Review Matters—Make it Fun!

Review Matters—Make it Fun!

“WWJD—What Would Jesus Do?” Dad said this so often when I was a kid that I thought he made it up. (Imagine how proud I was when my dad’s original saying began appearing on pencils, mugs, t-shirts, and sequined denim Bible covers!) I now suspect this phrase may not...

Kid’s Can Memorize God’s Word

Kid’s Can Memorize God’s Word

by Maribeth Pipkorn “I know my memory verse!” the little boy exclaimed. “‘I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for civilization to everyone who believes!’ Romans 1:16.” Mistakes like this can make us chuckle, but when kids misquote a Scripture...