Good News Club TV Summer fun


A Kid’s Devotional Life

A Kid’s Devotional Life

Spending personal time with God is just as important for children as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children. Sadly, many kids have no idea how to have that devotional time. Today I have several things you can do to help them start establishing...

Impact Magazine Winter 2020

Impact Magazine Winter 2020

Impact Magazine Winter 2020 This issue gives testimony to the power of God. I praise Him for doors He has opened and the lives He has changed, but there are many more who have yet to hear. The power of God continues to reach out. CEF missionaries around the globe pray...

Burnout in Church Children’s Workers

Burnout in Church Children’s Workers

Does your church struggle to have enough teachers for children’s Sunday School or Children’s Church?  Do the same people do it all the time and eventually get burned out? When people are approached to help, do they say, “that’s not my gift?” Maybe they look panicked...

Keys to a Happy Thanksgiving Day

Keys to a Happy Thanksgiving Day

Your Thanksgiving gathering may be limited to your immediate family this year, but you can do some things to make it especially meaningful, maybe even start some new traditions. Here’s some keys to a great Thanksgiving for your kids. Let’s start with CRAFTS. Kids love...

Impact Magazine Fall 2020

Impact Magazine Fall 2020

Impact Magazine Fall 2020  Throughout this edition of Impact, you will read testimonies from around the world of how God opened doors, expanded ministry, improved communication, and fostered a greater unity among our workers. Don’t wait! Read an interactive version of...

You Can Influence Your Child’s Public School

You Can Influence Your Child’s Public School

Are you concerned that your child’s faith and values will be negatively impacted in a public school? You are not alone. However, I’d encourage you to not look at your child’s school as a battlefield. Instead, see it as a garden where you can plant seeds of love and...

What does it mean to have freedom of religion?

What does it mean to have freedom of religion?

What Is Freedom of Religion?What does it mean to have freedom of religion? Does it mean your children are free to practice religion at home and church but not in public? Must they stay quiet about God in the classroom and online school platforms, and only talk about...