Good News Club TV Summer fun


School Kids and Religious Liberty

School Kids and Religious Liberty

What does it mean to have freedom of religion? Does it mean your children are free to practice religion at home and church but not in public? Must they stay quiet about God in the classroom and online school platforms, and only talk about him at break time? You can be...

Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ Day

by Debra Hane  My kids always loved going to visit their grandparents. They knew they’d get their favorite sugary cereal, play lots of games, and be doted on by loving grandparents. And they learned from their grandparents too! Recently, as we talked about lessons...

Labor Day

Labor Day

by Deb Hane  In 1894, the United States adopted the first Monday in September as a legal holiday known as Labor Day. As a child, Labor Day was the last day off before going back to school. We’d gather together for a big family picnic. I didn’t really understand the...

CEF Ministry to Caravan Migrants in Mexico

CEF Ministry to Caravan Migrants in Mexico

CEF Ministry to Caravan Migrants in Mexico  By Lydia KaiserAs the number of migrant caravans traveling through Mexico to the U.S. reaches double digits, CEF workers in Mexico have mobilized to reach this mission field walking through their country. CEF National...

Not by Works

Not by Works

By Lydia Kaiser  There are a hundred wonderful things about being God’s child, but perhaps the most wonderful is this truth: God loves me and gives me His salvation even though I don’t deserve it. What a wonderful thing to be loved in spite of unworthiness. How sad...

Five Areas of Health

Five Areas of Health

By Lydia Kaiser  When we think of health, physical health comes to mind first. But a wholistic view of the person includes five areas of health. In addition to physical, there’s mental health, emotional health, social health and spiritual health. All aspects of health...

Helping Kids Overcome Hardship

Helping Kids Overcome Hardship

By Lydia Kaiser  Do you wonder if your children are going to make it through some of the difficult tests life will throw at them? Do we have to go live on poverty street and make the kids walk ten miles in snow to school so we know they’re hardy enough to make it? No,...

6-11 U.S. Supreme Court Decision

6-11 U.S. Supreme Court Decision

by Mark Shaw   Three months before the infamous September 11, 2001 calamity, something happened in the kingdom of God on June 11, 2001 that would affect millions of children in the United States for decades to come.    Before I tell you what that was, let’s back up to...