Good News Club TV Summer fun


Teach Kids to Follow Rules with These 3 Ideas | CEF

Teach Kids to Follow Rules with These 3 Ideas | CEF

How to Teach Kids About Rules in 3 Ways“Can I really only have one cookie?” “Do I have to go to bed now?” “But I don’t want to do that now!” Sound familiar? As a parent, guardian, or someone who works with children, you likely often hear kids challenging what they’re...

 8 Tips to Help Kids Process Grief and Death | CEF

 8 Tips to Help Kids Process Grief and Death | CEF

How to Help a Child Process the Loss of a Loved OneLosing a loved one is an incredibly difficult thing for anyone to go through, especially children. Death is always very tragic and sad, and it makes God sad too to see us go through suffering. He wants to help you and...

4 Tips to Teach Kids About Boundaries | CEF

4 Tips to Teach Kids About Boundaries | CEF

How to Teach Kids About Creating and Respecting BoundariesDo you know the difference between rules vs. boundaries? Do your kids? Many people think they’re the same thing, while there’s overlap because many rules are in place to help us respect others and keep them...

5 Ways to Comfort Kids with God’s Presence | CEF

5 Ways to Comfort Kids with God’s Presence | CEF

How to Teach Kids to Find Comfort in Jesus“I’m scared.” “I’m just so anxious about it.” “It makes me really sad.” Hearing kids say these things is hard. Sometimes you feel sad and wish you could comfort them, while other times you may be rushed and just want to solve...