Good News Club TV


The Route to Success

The Route to Success

The Route to Success – Reese Kauffman Do you ever struggle with an attitude that is far from wonderful? We all do. Keeping in check our emotions, feelings, problems—all those elements that can add up to a bad attitude—is pretty difficult some days. God knows how hard...

Music in Action!

Music in Action!

Music in Action! Is your classroom wiggle-friendly? Those busy, bustling kids who can’t seem to sit still can be your greatest learners when you use action songs to teach. This article will show you how to create the right dynamics between teaching and singing. Do you...

High Calling: ALIGNMENT (September 2017)

Have you ever driven a car with wheels that were out of line? You cannot keep it in the center of your lane. It pulls to the left, it pulls to the right. Nothing you can do but fight, fight, fight--the cheer of everyone who drives a car out of alignment. In ministry,...

Talking to Children about Natural Disasters

Talking to Children about Natural Disasters

Talking to Children about Natural Disasters —Pat Verbal Becky hasn’t slept in weeks due to aftershocks of a scary earthquake. Joshua hides in a closet during thunderstorms since his house was struck by lightning. Sarah’s grandmother died in Hurricane Harvey and she...

Putting the Fun in Fundamentals

Putting the Fun in Fundamentals

Putting the Fun in Fundamentals – Julie Cox Flashing lights and amusing music, puppet plays and dramatic skits, brightly colored sets and hands-on learning are all on the top of the list for today’s children’s programs both in secular education and Christian...

Challenging Children to be Honest

Challenging Children to be Honest

Challenging Children to be Honest – Robert Choun Most preteens and teenagers lie. That was the conclusion of a recent survey of 3,700 American and Canadian 11-18 year olds. What can we do about this epidemic of dishonesty? We can teach primaries the value of...

Love is an Action Verb

Love is an Action Verb

Love is an Action Verb – Susan Haglund Bible clubs in public schools face some out-of-the-ordinary obstacles. But building relationships with school administrators, teachers and parents can lead to clubs with firm foundations. A few practical ways to begin are...

Helping Children Recognize Sin and Win

Helping Children Recognize Sin and Win

Helping Children Recognize Sin and Win – Sheida Catalan It was 9:50 on Sunday morning. I was rushing to set up for my class when the mother of one of my students approached me with a heavy heart. “Please, will you talk to Justin? I found out he has been stealing!” The...