Good News Club TV


Dare To Try It!

Dare To Try It!

Dare to try it! -Jay Hostetler Our culture works hard at diverting kids from the real meaning of life. Busy schedules and fractured families have left our children worn out and stressed. This was so true for the community of families in Ridgewood, New...

Dealing with Students Fears

Dealing with Students Fears

Dealing with Students Fears -Pat Verbal Joel Siegel, editor of Good Morning America, underwent lung-cancer surgery one spring. Mr. Siegel said his main concern was how to explain his illness to his son, Dylan. “I don’t mind him seeing me sad,” Mr. Siegel...

Clothes, Fads and God’s Word

Clothes, Fads and God’s Word

Clothes, Fads and God’s Word – Gordon and Becki West For our generation it was bellbottoms, crazy daisies and long hair. How we must have driven our parents and teachers crazy. When’s the last time you found a picture of yourself from way back when and...

High Calling: ACT (October 2017)

No idea, noble or obscure, will impact others unless that idea is acted upon. ACT is our focus in this month's edition of HIGH CALLING. James 2:18 says, "But someone will say, 'You have faith and I have works.' Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show...

Since God knows what we need before we ask, why do we need to pray?

Since God knows what we need before we ask, why do we need to pray?

Since God Already Knows What We Need, Why Should We Pray? -Wallace Grant You are right. God does know what we need. God tells us in Matthew 6:8, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” But in the next verses he tells us to pray for our needs. In 1...

How Could Jesus Be God and Be His Son?

How Could Jesus Be God and Be His Son?

How Could Jesus Be God and Be His Son? – Wallace Grant The only possible way to find an answer to your question is to go to the one and only book that tells us about God and Jesus, the Bible. In John 14:8, Philip said to Jesus “Show us the Father…Don’t you believe...

Who’s who in your Classroom

Who’s who in your Classroom

Who’s who in your classroom -Julie Cox This article is not meant to help you identify pint-sized Bible scholars or student prodigies as the title may imply. Rather, it’s a simple reminder for you to take a good look at all the children in your class. As you learn how...

Satan Clubs Dying and Good News Clubs Growing

Satan Clubs Dying and Good News Clubs Growing

Satan Clubs Dying and Good News Clubs Growing Atheists disguised as members of the Satanic Temple ended their short-lived after-school program at Point Defiance Elementary School in Tacoma. After their publicity stunt, their first meeting took place December 2016,...

Boos, Charts and Pictures… Now What?

Boos, Charts and Pictures… Now What?

Boos, Charts and Pictures… Now What? – Julie Cox You’ve just received your curriculum for the first quarter. You have the teacher’s guide, student books and a resource pack full of charts and pictures. Now what? Often the Christian education director assumes all...