Good News Club TV


You Can SING with Kids!

You Can SING with Kids!

by Nathan Hamilton As we started to sing, Karl rolled his eyes; slid further down in his chair; and crossed his arms as if to say, “I dare you to try to get me to sing.” It didn’t take long for the other 4th and 5th grade boys to follow his example and refuse to...

Crispy Temptation

Crispy Temptation

Crispy Temptation -Reese Kauffman President of CEF I love the donut store in my town. I have been in countless donut shops in my life but there is something special about that neon light that proclaims “Hot Donuts Now” in bright red. What can be better than a fresh,...

Pre-Teen Connection: Eternal Impact Requires Extra Effort

Pre-Teen Connection: Eternal Impact Requires Extra Effort

Pre-Teen Connection: Eternal Connection Requires Extra Effort -Gordon and Becki West Pre-teens are on the go like never before. Any parent of an early adolescent knows this generation is a busy one with no shortage of activity in kids’ lives. My wife, Becki, has a...

If I Sin After I Become a Christian, Will I Still Go to Heaven?

If I Sin After I Become a Christian, Will I Still Go to Heaven?

If I Sin as a Christian, Will I Still Go to Heaven? -Wally Grant When you became a Christian God forgave all your sins because Jesus died on the cross to pay for them. But sometimes you will sin after you are a Christian. Why? You still have your old nature that wants...

Belize Church-State Educational System Opens Doors for Gospel

Belize Church-State Educational System Opens Doors for Gospel

Belize Church-State Educational System Opens Doors for Gospel The church/state educational system in Belize offered amazing open doors for the Gospel to reach children. Educators caught the vision and were part of establishing 114 new weekly Good News...

Motivating Your Primaries

Motivating Your Primaries

Motivating Your Primaries -Robert Choun Motivating yourself to teach can be difficult enough: every week you must somehow manage to get to Sunday school or club with lesson prepared, crafts ready for assembly and your patience braced for the inevitable confrontation...

Conversations with Children

Conversations with Children

Conversations with Children -Robert Choun Talking Builds Trust Young children tend to monopolize conversations with adults. Ask a kindergartner about a movie he’s seen and he’ll recite the entire screenplay before coming up for air. Adolescents represent the opposite...