Good News Club TV


Help Kids Combat Cyberbullying

Help Kids Combat Cyberbullying

by Jenna Townsend    How did you experience bullying as a kid? Maybe it was on the playground or during lunch in the cafeteria or on a bus. Bullying hurts no matter where it takes place; and unfortunately, kids today have a lot more places where they can be victims of...

Don’t be Afraid

Don’t be Afraid

Don’t Be Afraid by Debra Hane  As a little girl, I remember lying in bed at night, gripped in fear that alligators were under my bed and would bite me if I tried to get out. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? But for me, the fear was quite real. Later I reasoned that if there...

A Matter of Life and Death

A Matter of Life and Death

A Matter of Life and Death by Deb Hane Three children encounter death with the power of Jesus to help them cope.  Last year Sarah hosted a Christmas Party Club for non-Christian families for the first time. Fourteen-year-old Jamid caught her attention. He was a great...

Impact Magazine Spring 2022

Impact Magazine Spring 2022

Impact Magazine Spring 2022 One of our greatest joys has been getting to know the CEF family and hearing their stories of God’s wondrous works. In this edition of Impact magazine, you’ll find stories from around the globe. Children are coming to Jesus, impacting their...

Free CEF Bible Lesson Demos

Free CEF Bible Lesson Demos

For a list of free demos and links go to Both new and seasoned teachers will benefit from these free online demonstrations. Seasoned teachers will be able to gain new ideas to refresh their teaching while new teachers will be able to see...

Creative Outreach to Kids 

Creative Outreach to Kids 

By Jenna Townsend  How did you get involved with your local church? Maybe you grew up going there or a friend invited you. Or maybe you got involved because you found them online or through a church event. Churches tend to focus their outreach on adults, but there are...

Let Us Not Grow Weary

Let Us Not Grow Weary

Let Us Not Grow Weary by Rebecca Dwinell  A testimony of how God encourages us when we are weary.  When my alarm went off, my face was buried into the pillow. “Lord,” I prayed, “I do not want to get up for another day of camp. I know there are fun girls in my cabin...

The Wordless Book – Discover Its Rich Heritage

The Wordless Book and Its Rich HeritageThe Wordless Book, first designed with only three pages--black, red, and white--was introduced by Charles Spurgeon in 1866. Preaching at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, his sermon was entitled “The Wordless Book.” Mr....

Competing with Technology for a Kid’s Attention

Competing with Technology for a Kid’s Attention

Competing with Technology for a Kid’s Attention  By Sarah Porch and Lydia Kaiser    I’m part of a generation that experienced the evolution of technology from chunky box monitors, desk tops, and flip phones to thin tablets and smart phones. For many teachers and...