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4 Differences Parents Should Teach Kids to Look Past | CEF
Hey Parents, Teach Your Kids to Look Past These 4 DifferencesIn today’s world, it’s all too easy to look at people and notice their differences. Kids, especially, are wired to notice what others look like, what they’re wearing, their demeanor, or what they’re doing....
7 Ways to Teach Kids About Honesty | CEF
How to Teach Kids About Honestyby Lydia Kaiser Why is it that when a preacher or a priest commits an immoral act, it’s bigger news than when, say a plumber, commits the same act? It’s because ministry is a character profession. It’s a profession designed to teach...
The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Mustard Seed | Sunday School Solutions
by Emily HechlerChildren may be told by their parents or teachers that they can change the world! But the saved children in your Sunday school class may be wondering how they can do that. They may believe their small acts of obedience to God will never be noticed and...
Moody, Overholtzer, and The Wordless Book | CEF
Moody & Overholtzer, Two Great Child Evangelists and The Wordless BookBy Lydia Kaiser As we contemplate the impact of a pandemic in our century, it’s interesting to see the connection between an epidemic in 1914 and how God worked through lives in that time,...
How to Share the 3 Best Easter Gifts God Gave Us with Your Kids | CEF
The 3 Best Easter Gifts God Gave Us (And How to Share Them with Your Kids)by Deb Hane When people think about giving gifts for a holiday, most think of Christmas. But what about Easter? Christmas may be the time we exchange gifts and even consider God giving the gift...
Christian Parenting: How to Raise Children in a Godly Way | CEF
5 Tips on How to Demonstrate the Gospel as a Parentby Lydia Kaiser Do you want to help your child know Jesus and accept Christ as their Savior early in life? If so, you’ll need to learn how to demonstrate the gospel as a parent and raise children in a godly way. This...
No Greater Joy
No Greater JoyBy Elizabeth Griggs Myra Johnson and Chloe Wagner are two Children’s Ministries Institute® students who have been involved with Child Evangelism Fellowship® through Christian Youth in Action® in Wisconsin. They are two dedicated young women, sharing the...
5 Tips to Help Your Child Enjoy Reading the Bible | CEF
How to Read the Bible with Your Child: 5 Tips to Hold Their Interestby Lydia Kaiser Children love to hear stories. From bedtime, to bath time, to everything in between, stories entertain and spark imagination. For parents who want to teach kids biblical truths, Bible...
Impact Magazine Spring 2023
Impact Magazine Spring 2023 Our Lord, our anchor, strengthens us to accomplish His plans. We are Hisworkmanship who can accomplish the ministry He has set before us. We can reach out as His witnesses, no matter how difficult the community, knowing He will go with us....