Good News Club TV


3 Advent Countdown Ideas for the Family | CEF

3 Advent Countdown Ideas for the Family | CEF

Finding Advent Meaning with 3 Advent Countdown IdeasAs much as most of us love surprises, there’s nothing juicier than the feeling of anticipation as you wait for something you’re especially excited for—counting down the days, while that excitement only grows. With...

4 Reasons to Attend Sunday School as Kids | CEF

4 Reasons to Attend Sunday School as Kids | CEF

4 Reasons Why Sunday School is Important for FamiliesCovid changed things for a lot of people. For some families, it’s hard enough to get back into the rhythm of attending in-person church, let alone convincing the kids to come along too and attend Sunday school. And...

Thanksgiving and the Gospel Message for Kids | CEF

Thanksgiving and the Gospel Message for Kids | CEF

Teaching Kids About Thanksgiving and Gratitude to GodBy Jeremy Lloyd and Debra Hane It’s easy to say we are thankful for our bounty, our liberty, our resources, the skills and abilities of those who have made our lives easier, and the generosity of others. But is...

3 Kids Thanksgiving Activities for Families | CEF

3 Kids Thanksgiving Activities for Families | CEF

3 Kids Thanksgiving Activities for FamiliesThanksgiving is always a wonderful time to be spent with family. Full of gratitude, togetherness, and joy, there are many beautiful memories to be made and spiritual lessons to be learned for the whole family. Whether...

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

by Emily HechlerAs believers, we are called to forgive those who have sinned against us. But this can be challenging, even for children. Maybe a friend lied to them or said hurtful things. Maybe someone at school stole one of their valuable possessions. How can you...