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Teaching Kids Responsibility and Discipline | CEF

Teaching Kids Responsibility and Discipline | CEF

3 Tips for Instilling Discipline in ChildrenJuly 4th is right around the corner and with it comes a lot of talk about independence. As Americans, we value our independence, with the Fourth of July commemorating the United States’ declaration of independence and the...

IMPACT Magazine Summer 2024

IMPACT Magazine Summer 2024

Impact Magazine Summer 2024 Jesus, the King of kings, gave His life on the altar of the cross and rose again as our perfect ransom. He gave the Great Commission to the church—the body of Christ: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." (Matt. 28:19). Jesus'...

Counseling Children During Crisis | CEF

Counseling Children During Crisis | CEF

Counseling Children During Crisis with CEFEight-year-old Lizzy listened intently as the Good News Club® teacher taught a Bible lesson from the CEF® series on Joseph. Lizzy could identify with the hard things Joseph experienced. When the teacher asked, “What are some...

Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

by Debra HaneHave you taught your children memorized prayers? I remember praying the “God is great, God is good” prayer before meals and “Now I lay me down to sleep” at bedtime. But the prayer that took more effort to learn was the Lord’s Prayer. Do children benefit...

3 Truths for a Positive Body Image for Kids | CEF

3 Truths for a Positive Body Image for Kids | CEF

How to Create a Positive Body Image for KidsDo you like the way you look? It’s easy to have a harsh view of our own body and see only flaws in the mirror. Many kids also struggle with having a positive body image. As they grow and their bodies change, they can become...

Kids are Valuable to God

Kids are Valuable to God

Kids are Valuable to GodIs there a child in this world who is not important? All children are precious. Most parents would trade their own lives for them. That is why the Lord said that even the wicked know what is good for their children. But are these children...