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Teaching Kids About Spiritual Gifts | CEF

Teaching Kids About Spiritual Gifts | CEF

How to Teach Kids About the Holy Spirit’s Gift to ThemHave you ever daydreamed about being exceptionally talented at something, like singing or drawing, but know you just weren’t naturally gifted enough or received the proper training? Chances are your kids imagine...

The Heart of Worship

The Heart of Worship

by Debra HaneWhat comes to your mind when I mention King David from the Bible? You may remember how he had the courage to fight a giant or how he hid from King Saul who wanted him dead and then refused to kill Saul when he had the chance. You may think about his sin...

4 Stories of Kids Changing Lives by Sharing the Gospel | CEF

4 Stories of Kids Changing Lives by Sharing the Gospel | CEF

4 Incredible Impact Stories of Children Sharing the GospelIf there’s one thing Child Evangelism Fellowship® has learned, it’s to never underestimate the impact a single child can have when sharing the gospel. The Bible tells us in Romans 10:15, “How beautiful are the...

Impact Magazine Spring 2024

Impact Magazine Spring 2024

Impact Magazine Spring 2024 In the spring, it is amazing to see tender buds break through the bark of trees. Light green shoots push through the ground, cracks in sidewalks, and asphalt roads. This is the power of life God planted in all things to grow. God has given...

6 Ways to Help Kids Stop Social Bullying Like Jesus | CEF

6 Ways to Help Kids Stop Social Bullying Like Jesus | CEF

Help Kids Deal With Social Bullying in 6 Christ-like StepsHow did you experience bullying as a kid? Maybe it was on the playground, during lunch in the cafeteria, or on a bus. Bullying hurts, no matter where it takes place; but unfortunately, the places and types of...