Teach Kids!
Helping You Teach the Kids in Your Life
Teach Kids is a short and powerful “HOW TO” for parents and children’s ministry workers. Practical topics cover things we struggle with to things you might not have thought about. Our goal is to equip you with aspects of gospel parenting, evangelism, and discipleship – helping you teach the kids in your life, whether they are your own or those to whom you minister.
Latest Episode
A Kid’s Devotional Life
Spending personal time with God is just as important for children as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children. Sadly, many kids have no idea how to have that devotional time.
Burnout in Church Children’s Workers
Does your church struggle to have enough teachers for children’s Sunday School or Children’s Church? Do the same people do it all the time and eventually get burned out?
Keys to a Happy Thanksgiving Day
Your Thanksgiving gathering may be limited to your immediate family this year, but you can do some things to make it especially meaningful, maybe even start some new traditions. Here’s some keys to a great Thanksgiving for your kids.
You Can Influence Your Child’s Public School
Are you concerned that your child’s faith and values will be negatively impacted in a public school?
What does it mean to have freedom of religion?
What does it mean to have freedom of religion? Does it mean your children are free to practice religion at home and church but not in public? Must they stay quiet about God in the classroom and online school platforms, and only talk about him at break time?