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Teach Kids!

Helping You Teach the Kids in Your Life

Teach Kids is a short and powerful “HOW TO” for parents and children’s ministry workers. Practical topics cover things we struggle with to things you might not have thought about. Our goal is to equip you with aspects of gospel parenting, evangelism, and discipleship – helping you teach the kids in your life, whether they are your own or those to whom you minister.

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Exercising Faith for Kids | CEF

Exercising Faith for Kids | CEF

Faith needs exercise as much as bodies do. Learn to encourage spiritual strength training and faith for kids in Part 2 of our athletic kids series.

4 Bible Storytelling Tips For Sharing the Gospel with Children | CEF

4 Bible Storytelling Tips For Sharing the Gospel with Children | CEF

4 Bible Storytelling Tips to Capture a Child’s HeartChildren love to hear stories. From bedtime, to bath time, to every in-between time, stories entertain and spark imagination. And what better story to teach kids than the story of the Gospel and God’s work throughout...