Welcome to Sunday School Solutions!
Whether you are a children’s church worker, a seasoned Sunday School teacher, a small group leader for Vacation Bible School, or new volunteer in any children’s ministry, we are here to help you with all of the mysteries and dilemmas that come up while working with children. Sunday School Solutions is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship®. CEF® has over 85 years of experience in ministering to children all over the USA and around the world. It is our desire to help you in all aspects of your children’s ministry.
The Heart of Worship
What comes to your mind when I mention King David from the Bible? You may remember how he had the courage to fight a giant or how he hid from King Saul who wanted him dead and then refused to kill Saul when he had the chance. You may think about his sin with Bathsheba and how he committed adultery and murder. Still, David was known as a man after God’s own heart. Do the children you teach have a heart for God? How does King David’s heart for God help us have a heart of worship?
More Sunday School Solutions
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Major Prophets | Sunday School Solutions
In the Old Testament, we read of several different prophets and how God used them to deliver His messages to people. Often, these messages were difficult to understand, especially when they were sad or when they addressed things that hadn’t happened yet.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Poetry | Sunday School Solutions
Poetry has been around for ages—it even goes back to biblical times! In fact, many of the hymns and worship songs we sing today come from biblical poetry.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: History | Sunday School Solutions
Maybe you hated history as a kid, or maybe it was your favorite subject. In addition to American, world, and many other cultural histories, there is also biblical history.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Law | Sunday School Solutions
Teaching children the Pentateuch, also known as the Law, can easily seem like an overwhelming task. Maybe you don’t even want to teach the kids in your children’s church about books like Leviticus and Numbers.
Intro to The Bible | Sunday School Solutions
While it may be common knowledge that a Sunday school teacher should teach children from the Bible, many don’t realize that they need to teach children about the Bible as well.
Communicate With Visuals | Sunday School Solutions
Think about your favorite school teacher. Why was he your favorite? Maybe he was really intentional. Maybe he was the first person who finally made math understandable to you. Now think about your least favorite teacher. Why was he your least favorite?
Kid’s Devotional Life | Sunday School Solutions
Spending personal time with God is just as important for children as it is for you! God wants to spend time with all of His children, and that includes the saved children in your Sunday school class. Sadly, many children have no idea how to have that quiet time.
Christmas Games | Sunday School Solutions
Christmas is right around the corner! The Sunday before Christmas is usually a time when many new faces can be seen at church, so it’s important to make sure these visitors feel welcome. Chances are there will likely be new children in your Sunday school class as well.
Who Was Lottie Moon | Sunday School Solutions
For years, churches have encouraged members to support missionaries through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Is your church one of them? Do the children in your church know why this is encouraged, or even who Lottie Moon is? Keep reading to find out for yourself!