Welcome to Sunday School Solutions!
Whether you are a children’s church worker, a seasoned Sunday School teacher, a small group leader for Vacation Bible School, or new volunteer in any children’s ministry, we are here to help you with all of the mysteries and dilemmas that come up while working with children. Sunday School Solutions is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship®. CEF® has over 85 years of experience in ministering to children all over the USA and around the world. It is our desire to help you in all aspects of your children’s ministry.
The Heart of Worship
What comes to your mind when I mention King David from the Bible? You may remember how he had the courage to fight a giant or how he hid from King Saul who wanted him dead and then refused to kill Saul when he had the chance. You may think about his sin with Bathsheba and how he committed adultery and murder. Still, David was known as a man after God’s own heart. Do the children you teach have a heart for God? How does King David’s heart for God help us have a heart of worship?
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The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Sower | Sunday School Solutions
There’s nothing like a good story. They not only captivate our attention, but they help us understand truths that we know so well in a new and valuable way. Jesus knew this, so He often spoke in parables to teach His followers important lessons.
Choosing Curriculum
Have you ever pulled into the drive-through of a fast food restaurant just to be overwhelmed by the menu options? Sometimes, those choices can seem like a bit much. It can be the same way when choosing a curriculum for your children’s Sunday school class. With all the options available, both good and bad, it can be hard to know which curriculum would work best with the children at your church.
God’s Power in Creation | Sunday School Solutions
Did you know the sun is so large, it could hold one million Earths inside of it? And the sun isn’t even considered that big of a star! Many stars are big enough to fit the sun and all the planets in our solar system inside of them!
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Prophecy | Sunday School Solutions
Mechanic, youth group leader, volunteer, husband, father, son—a person could be described by these roles. Throughout the Bible, we see Jesus in many different roles.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Other Letters | Sunday School Solutions
Business letters, acceptance letters, personal letters, letters of recommendation—there are many kinds of letters someone can send or receive. Last time, we talked about Paul’s Letters but those aren’t the only letters in the Bible, there are others.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Paul’s Letters | Sunday School Solutions
Did you have a pen pal growing up? It’s exciting to receive a personal letter in the mail. Maybe some of the children you teach have received or written letters before.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: Church History | Sunday School Solutions
You may be familiar with the idea of random acts of kindness—small actions that show kindness to others. These actions are called “acts.” The book of Acts describes the acts of Jesus’ apostles through the Holy Spirit.
Teaching the Divisions of the Bible: The Gospels | Sunday School Solutions
Do you like to hear good news? I think it’s safe to say that everyone does! The word Gospel means “good news,” and the first division of the New Testament is called the Gospels.
Teaching The Divisions of The Bible: Minor Prophets | Sunday School Solutions
Major league, minor league. One is better than the other, but that’s not the case with the Major and Minor Prophets. Just because we call them the Minor Prophets doesn’t mean these prophets or their messages are any less important than the Major Prophets