WE BELIEVE 1. That “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” by which we understand the whole book called The Bible; that it is inerrant in the original writing and that its teaching and authority are absolute, supreme and final. That the Holy Spirit guided the holy men of old in all that they wrote. 2 Timothy 3:16; Deuteronomy 4:2; 2 Peter 1:21.
God is pushed out of the lives of so many of today’s children. Schoolteachers consciously avoid mentioning Him. On TV and in many homes His commandments are blatantly violated. Schedules are packed with nonreligious activities, so how do we demonstrate faith to the next generation of children?
God is pushed out of the lives of so many of today’s children. Schoolteachers consciously avoid mentioning Him. On TV and in many homes His commandments are blatantly violated. Schedules are packed with nonreligious activities. You cannot remove all the opposition that distracts this generation from living for God. But you can demonstrate that Christians are to stand firm and give themselves fully to Him.
A Sunday school teacher received this prayer request: “I share a room with my sister, Little Miss Innocent, who always gets me in trouble. Pray I don’t kill her!” Sibling rivalry is as old as Cain and Abel and abounds in every culture. How can we as teachers help children walk by faith at home?