Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Trauma Healing Booklets Available for Texas
As news of the latest school shooting rocks the nation, CEF has a prepared Gospel trauma resource for children with its booklet, “Do You Wonder Why?” Five thousand booklets were already stored in Texas and 19,000 more in English and Spanish are en route from the CEF International Headquarters in Missouri.
CEF Caring for Ukrainian Children in Ukraine and Neighboring Countries
CEF has full-time workers in every neighboring country and they are coordinating with the Hope for Ukraine response.
After-School Satan Clubs — The Real Story
WARRENTON, Mo., Jan. 13, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ — Atheists are at it again, this time in Moline, IL, using a ploy to disrupt schools and prevent the exercise of free speech that involves Christian viewpoint.
New Director of CEF Military Children’s Ministry Comes from West Point and Through Desert Storm
Military life has challenges average families don’t encounter. One or both military parents may be deployed for six months to over a year. Their children move 6-9 times during a school career. Attending CEF Good News Club® makes transition easier because clubs are a familiar program led by caring Christians who understand deployments and welcome children with open arms.
Largest Children’s Ministry in the World Comes to a Halt
WARRENTON, Mo., April 23, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ — Thousands of CEF staff members and hundreds of thousands of volunteers teach millions of boys and girls daily in weekly face-to-face Good News Clubs. Suddenly, COVID-19 brings that to a halt.
Good News Across the Web
WARRENTON, Mo., March 24, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ — Child Evangelism Fellowship operates over 99,000 after-school clubs around the world. GOOD NEWS CLUBS feature Bible teaching, music, games and snacks for children once a week.
FREE Children’s Church Videos for Churches to Use When Streaming Services
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches started live streaming their services for adults. However, churches don’t have enough help to continue ministry to children. Child Evangelism Fellowship is offering free weekly videos on its YouTube channel, U-Nite, with a program for children that can be shared by churches free of charge.
Help for Talking to Kids about COVID-19
FAITH NEWSWIRE – Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) has provided an effective tool for conversing with children about such troubling situations as the Coronavirus outbreak.
Advice to School Boards Regarding Satan Clubs
Atheists are at it again, in Knox County, TN this time, trying to prevent the exercise of free speech if it involves Christian viewpoint.
FREE Child Evangelism Training Including American Sign Language (ASL) Translation Now Available Online
Not long ago, a young lady who is deaf sent an email to Child Evangelism Fellowship® requesting that training in child evangelism be offered in ASL. She said she was willing to travel anywhere in the world to receive this training.