Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
CEF’s goal: Reach every child in Romania with Christmas Party Clubs
‘This goal mirrors CEF’s vision: “Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day,”’ says Child Evangelism Fellowship Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
This Christmas, CEF is reaching 10 million children face-to-face with the greatest gift — the Gospel message
‘All over the world, Christmas grabs the attention of children and parents in a way that few other topics do, so they’re eager to attend a Christmas Party Club,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
Child Evangelism Fellowship shares the love of Jesus with migrant families in Mexico
‘It breaks your heart to see so many children in distress, but it’s uplifting to reach them with the best news of their lives — the saving grace of Jesus Christ,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
This Christmas, CEF seeks to reach 10 million children with the greatest gift — a Gospel message
‘One of the most important lessons to be learned in life is that God keeps His promises,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
Child Evangelism Fellowship celebrates 80 years of international outreach to children
‘In 1943, the first U.S.-sent missionaries arrived in Mexico to begin CEF founder Jesse Irvin Overholtzer’s quest for world evangelism,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
Child Evangelism Fellowship’s devotionals help parents teach their children about God’s love for them
‘We can’t wait until they’re teens and hope they’ll hear us. We must teach them while they’re young. If we don’t do it, the world will,’ says CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
Ahead of Veterans Day, Child Evangelism Fellowship offers a unique program for military families and their children
‘CEF’s Military Children’s Ministry offers security, continuity and the Gospel message through Good News Clubs® tailored to military life,’ says CEF Military Children’s Ministry director Andy Bunn
CEF Alaska is reaching remote Bush villages with the Good News of the Gospel
‘In the remote heart of Alaska, Child Evangelism Fellowship is reaching children only accessible by plane or barge, connecting lives across rugged horizons,’ says Moises Esteves, CEF executive vice president
Child Evangelism Fellowship; How children are making an impact on the lives of their parents through Christ
‘We can’t tell you how many times we have heard that kids who attended our Good News Clubs® brought Jesus home to their parents, who then got saved,’ says Child Evangelism Fellowship Executive Vice President Moises Esteves
CEF brings spiritual relief for children in trauma through helpful booklet, ‘Do You Wonder Why?’
‘Children traumatized by conflict need answers to the most difficult questions, and our booklet helps them get through it,’ says Moises Esteves, CEF executive vice president