Big Picture

Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day

Eastern Zambia Opened for Children’s Ministry

The Lord has opened doors to ministry in the Eastern Province of Zambia. For three years in a row, CEF Zambia has been able to do ministry in Katete, 842km from Luanshya, the headquarters.

Working Together Opens Doors

An exciting collaboration is opening doors in apartment communities across the United States! Child Evangelism Fellowship® and Global Ministries Foundation (GMF) are working together to reach America’s children with the Gospel.

Hope Against Circumstances

These children need to know that God is always in charge no matter what circumstances arise and that there is hope.

Katherine Stewart’s Book

Katherine Stewart wrote a book titled Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on America’s Children. She claims to be a journalist, but failed to observed one of the most important elements of journalism when writing her book about Child Evangelism Fellowship and Good News Club.

Press Release — Refugee Crisis Presents Opportunities to Share Jesus

According to the United Nations, by the end of 2016 there will be around 4.7 million refugees from Syria and another 13.5 million displaced from their homes within the country. This dispersion of people provides many opportunities to share Jesus with people who may have never had a chance to hear of Him.