New Director of CEF Military Children’s Ministry Comes from West Point and Through Desert Storm
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Nov. 9, 2021
Military life has challenges average families don’t encounter. One or both military parents may be deployed for six months to over a year. Their children move 6-9 times during a school career. Attending CEF Good News Club® makes transition easier because clubs are a familiar program led by caring Christians who understand deployments and welcome children with open arms.
Dr. Andy Bunn is uniquely prepared to lead the CEF Military Children’s Ministry. A graduate of West Point Military Academy, Dr. Bunn holds an MDiv from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and earned a PhD in Leadership from Piedmont International University. A Desert Storm veteran, Andy served 10 years in the Army, training and leading soldiers and as a department head for ROTC.
Andy shares, “The Lord has seen fit to take me on a journey of military service, secular work, vocational chaplain ministry and leadership, including executive leadership of a ministry that trained church leaders in Africa. I’m grateful for how God worked and grew me for this vital ministry assignment, to teach God’s Word to the next generation so they might know Him.”
“A mother of a girl who attended club at a nearby military installation came to ask for the prizes we had given out. I gave her a music CD. She explained she would send it to her husband stationed in the Middle East so he would know what Anna was learning and not feel left out. After that, I made sure Anna had two resources to take home every time! I wondered what impact those songs had in that soldier’s barracks!” –Good News Club Teacher
Child Evangelism Fellowship is an international, nonprofit, Christian ministry, teaching the Bible to children since 1937. CEF has 400 offices in the USA and is organized in most nations of the world, with over 3,700 paid staff and hundreds of thousands of volunteers. In its last ministry year, CEF ministered to over 16 million children in its face-to-face teaching ministries.
SOURCE Child Evangelism Fellowship
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